Location: New Residence Hall | Ballroom A & B
Address: 3625 Park Avenue, Montreal, Quebec H2X 3P8
Time: 8:30AM

Conference Organizing Committee
Clinical Advisory Board
Monday, November 28, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
8:30 AM to 9:00 AM |
Arrival & Registration for all members | Coat check Coffee will be provided | ||
9:00 AM to 9:10 AM |
Welcome to the symposium! | Opening remarks: Welcome from New Centre Director, Dr. Silvia Vidal | ||
Session I – Mechanisms of inflammatory disorders: Mouse Models |
9:10 AM to 10:10 AM / Chair: Dr Sidong Huang, Dept. of Biochemistry, McGill University |
9:10 – 9:40 25 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Jörg Fritz Dept. Microbiology and Immunology, McGill University | “Roles of Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells in Health and Disease“ | |
9:40 – 10:10 25 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Maya Saleh Department of Medicine, McGill University | “Inflammasome control of inflammatory diseases and cancer“ | |
10:10 AM to 10:45 AM |
Coffee Break* | |||
Session II – Mechanisms of Infectious and inflammatory disorders: Human Models |
10:45 AM to 12:30 PM / Chair: Dr Salman Qureshi, McGill University Health Center |
10:45 – 11:15 25 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Luis Barreiro Université de Montréal | “Genetic and epigenetic regulation of immune responses to infection” | |
11:15 – 11:45 25 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Donald Vinh Department of Medicine, MUHC | “Human Genetic Susceptibility to Infectious Diseases: When the Rubber of Immunology Hits the Road of Life” | |
11:45 – 12:15 25 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Kevin Kain SAR Laboratories, Rotman Centre for Global Health, ON | “Preventing death and disability from Life-threatening infections” | |
12:15 – 12:30 10 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Amit Bar-Or Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) | “Antibody-independent roles of B cells in autoimmune regulation and infection control” | |
12:30 PM to 2:00 PM |
LUNCH break & Poster Session | Lunch Provided* | ||
Session III – Genetic determinants of neuroinflammation and malignancy |
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM / Chair: Dr Sylvie Lesage, Centre de recherché Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont |
2:15 – 2:30 25 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Stephen Sawcer Cambridge University, UK | “MS genetics: Pitfalls and Prospects” | |
2:30 – 3:00 25 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Nada Jabado Department of Medicine, MUHC | “Oncohistones: a tale of histone tail” | |
3:00 PM to 3:45 PM |
Coffee Break* & Poster Session | |||
3:45 PM to 4:00 PM |
MRCCT: Opening of the new Centre | Dr. Philippe Gros (Co-Director, MRCCT) Dr. Rose Goldstein (VP Research & International Relations) Dr. David Eidelman (Vice-Principal & Dean, Faculty of Medicine) | ||
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM / Chair: Dr Samantha Gruenheid, Dept. Microbiology and Immunology, McGill U. |
Keynote speaker | Dr. Marco Prinz Director of the Institute of Neuropathology University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany | ||
5:00 PM to 5:05 PM |
Closing Remarks |
5 à 7 |
Poster Session | WINE & CHEESE mixer* | Panel of Judges | Poster Session |
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
8:30 AM to 9 AM |
Arrival | Coat check Coffee will be provided | |
Session I – New Technologies |
9:00 AM to 9:40 AM |
Chair: Caitlin Schneider (Mandl lab) |
9:00 – 9:15 10 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Judith Mandl Department of Physiology, McGill University | “Visualizing the spatio-temporal dynamics of T cells in homeostasis and immunodeficiency” |
9:15 – 9:30 10 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Jerry Pelletier Department of Biochemistry, McGill University | “Drug-Target Validation using CRISPR/Cas9” |
9:30 – 9:40 10 mins | Christopher Kenny Eve Technologies | “Immune Biomarker Array To Enable Precision Medicine” |
Session II – Computational Medicine |
9:40 AM to 10:20 AM |
Chair: David Langlais (Gros lab) |
9:40-9:55 10 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Mathieu Blanchette School of Computer Sciences | “Know thy Ancestors to Know Thyself: Improving our understanding of the human genome using paleogenomics” |
9:55-10:10 10 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Guillaume Bourque McGill University and Genome Quebec Innovation Center (MUGQIC) | “Epigenomic resources to better understand human non-coding DNA” |
10:10-10:20 10 mins | Michael G. Smith Executive Sales Specialist, NorthEast, Sequencing & Data Analysis, Illumina Inc. | “Analyzing the Microbiome using BaseSpace Sequence Hub” |
10:20 AM to 10:50 AM |
Coffee Break* | ||
Session III – Stem Cells |
10:50 AM to 11:15 AM |
Chair: Barbara Mindt (Fritz lab) |
10:50-11:05 10 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Ana Nijnik Department of Physiology, McGill University | “Hematopoietic stem cells: transcriptional regulation and genomic stability” |
11:05-11:15 10 mins | Dr. Roger Bossé Sr. Market Segment Leader, Perkin Elmer | “Enabling approaches to characterize infectious and inflammatory disease processes.” |
Session IV – Infection |
11:15 AM to 11:45 AM |
Chair: Todd Douglas (Saleh lab) |
11:15 – 11:30 10 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Erwin Schurr Department of Medicine, Human Genetics | “Leprosy as human model for inflammatory disease susceptibility” |
11:30 – 11:45 10 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Martin Olivier Dept. Microbiology and Immunology, McGill | “Vector-Transmitted Pathogen Exosomes: Impact on Innate Immune Response and Infection.” |
Session V – Inflammatory Diseases |
11:45 – 12:15 |
Chair: Mathieu Mancini (Vidal Lab) |
11:45 – 12:00 10 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Ciro Piccirillo Dept. Microbiology and Immunology, McGill University | “Development and functional dynamics of immunoregulatory mechanisms in human health and disease” |
12:00 – 12:15 10 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Jack Antel Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University | “Dynamic properties of human microglia” |
12:15 PM to 1:15 PM |
LUNCH Break | Lunch provided * | ||
1:15 PM to 1:45 PM |
1:15 – 1:45 25 mins + 5 mins questions | Dr. Jayne Danska University of Toronto – Hospital for Sick Children | “The complex causes of autoimmunity: genes, sex and microbes” | |
2:00 PM to 4:00 PM |
Round Table (CLOSED) Scientific Board Members (SAB) and Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting. Moderators: Drs Vidal & Gros | Student Session 1 slide – 3 mins | 1 person per lab *Awards for best presentations Moderator: Mathieu Mancini | ||
Award Ceremony: Posters |
4:00 PM to 4:15 PM |
Posters Winners | Award Ceremony | Certificates Awarded – Prizes | |
4:15 PM to 4:30 PM |
Closing remarks | Director, Dr. Silvia Vidal & Co-Director, Dr. Philippe Gros | ||
4:30 PM to 7:00 PM |
Mixer | Thomson House 3650 Rue McTavish Montréal, QC H3A 1Y2 |

Poster Registration
2nd Montreal Symposium on Immunogenetics
of Infectious and Inflammatory diseases
– Poster Session –
Poster Session: Monday, November 28, 2016
Award Ceremony | Poster Winners: Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Location: New Residence Hall | Ballroom
Address: 3625, Avenue du Parc, Montréal, Québec H2X 3P8
If you face any problems filling or submitting this form, please send an email with the necessary information to mrcct.medicine@mcgill.ca
2nd Montreal Symposium on Immunogenetics
of Infectious and Inflammatory diseases
Date: Monday and Tuesday November 28-29, 2016
Location: New Residence Hall | Ballroom
Address: 3625, Avenue du Parc, Montréal, Québec H2X 3P8
** Registration is closed – We reached the maximum capacity of the conference room **
Photos – MRCCT Symposium
held November 28-29, 2016

Photos – Poster Session
Photos from the MRCCT Symposium held November 28-29, 2016: Poster Session

Photos – Students presentations
Photos from Students presentations at the MRCCT Symposium held November 28-29, 2016

Photos – Winners poster session
Photos – Winners: Poster presentations at the MRCCT Symposium held November 28-29, 2016